Sons and Daughters

We leave nice and early this morning- actually ahead of schedule!Just a side note before we begin. Chris did a thing. And he’s been warned to never do the thing again. But he did a thing. He decided to come all the way to Italy, AND COMPLETELY SHAVE HIS FACE. SHAVED. Like hes preparing for […]

Murder Fur and Lemoncello

This morning we leave the Cinque Terre.I’m sad to leave. This spot is unlike any other we’ve been to in Italy. Its rugged in a very different way then the other costal area’s in Italy- like Amalfi where we visit next. It seems to be a hub for cool hipsters with all the shops sporting […]

Nothing like Fresh Tuscan Pee Spray (urine-ee-oo)

Up nice and early this morning and I MADE BAGELS! Got some flour at the Coop yesterday- its super fine flour- not quite for pasta, but close…so between that and the wanky oven, and the greek yogurt I’m assuming is yogurt because it had greek writing on it….I wasn’t convinced it was going to work […]

The Re-Muppeting

So if I read back, I’m sure this is my drone before every trip; how underprepared I am. But I REALLY mean it this time. I had done my usual OCD pre-packing of outfits with pics etc…but this had become a well oiled machine a few years back. It. Is. Not. That. Now.Its been 3 […]

The Stuff of Dreams

So we’re all good and burnt.  Chris included. Actually Chris burned on the plane on the way down from the reflection off the wing of the plane. He’s Irish. I’m burned to the point that if a sheet looks at me the wrong way I get a crease. Yes- we haven’t been on vacation in a […]

Shut Up and Take My Money

First of all, don’t ask me what I paid for this trip. Not because its rude- wouldn’t mind at all- except I have no bloody idea. This was most certainly a “shut up and take my money” situation. I don’t know if I need to have Chris work overtime, if I need to invest in […]

The runners

I am a runner.  Have aways been.  I guess its more of a perspective hunt than an actual “peace out”.  I get very caught up in a forest through the trees situation…. And my only solution?  RUN. Get out of it and look back.  I can always see better from somewhere else. I’m not proud […]

And that’s a wrap….or a momo, which ever you’d prefer.

So we left Chitwan this morning. It was sad to leave my elephant. I want to bring her home with me- but I think we’d just fight over food. So….might be better for her to stay here. But alas, we have to leave, and we make our way to the bar to clear up our […]

Paul Blart-Jungle Cop

Today we are up early and packed, we are coming back to this hotel in two Days so we take the option of leaving one of our suitcases there-making it easier for Hurry to see out the back window. We gather up all our precious trinkets and laundry and fill one massive suitcase. He seems […]