Everything is Dad’s fault

He’s the one that started it all.  This crazy travel bug. From what I remember of being 5, it wasn’t a great year for the Drover family.  I was just finishing up Kindergarten when my Dad had his accident.  Nicole was 12.  And I don’t remember all the details, I mostly remember coming home from […]

50 shades of China….

Okay, so this is a sad day. Our last buffet nooder filled breakfast.   We’ve finally gotten into the swing of things and I actually hit the snooze button this morning. Excellent.  I’m now fully turned around.   We head to breakfast and enjoy HEEPS of nooders.  I’ve also finally perfected chopsticks.  Now I get […]

The Great Wall/The Hot Pot

We were a little late for breakfast this morning!  I’ve finally got this jet lag thing under control! I’m sleeping through the night and back to dragging myself out of bed in the morning. Perfect.  We leave in 2 days. Humph.  Anyway, we finally get to breakfast and Chris has realized that he only has […]

“I’m baby”

So today is our first Beijing day. And we’re exhausted from the flight fiasco last night. I think We were able to get about 3 hours sleep before we headed out for the day. Breakfast at this hotel is the usual amazingness. Nicole and I put the nooders in our mouses and off we go. […]

Errrmerrgerrr PANDAS!!

So we left our cruise today.  We said goodbye to our waitress Velma and I actually cried. I can’t get a handle on if she’s well taken care of or happy, but I like to think so.  She says she will contact me through email-and both Chris and I give her a hug. We leave […]


Back up at 6 this morning and ready for breakfast. I put the nooders in my mouse (I even put nooders in Nicole’s mouse.)  and away we go for today’s excursion. We are visiting a thousands year old pagoda that is on the top of what was a huge mountain before the Dam was put in. […]

We got off our boat and took a boat to a bunch of boats.

We got up at 6 am and all met for breakfast at 6:40. NOODLES.  I love noodles. Which they pronounce “nooders” which is how I will be saying it from now on. Also they don’t say mouth as the th is very hard for them to pronounce, so it’s mouse. So that is the only […]


So this is our first cruise day! Our room is just amazing and the light in the morning is perfection. I had an amazing sleep last night (other then the phone ringing at 4am.  Loraine Lake- I don’t know who you are, but When you asked “where the $&@? Are you?” And I answered “CHINA” […]

China needs more transgendered bathrooms.

zThis morning we are gearing up for a big travel day. This is that day in the middle of all of our trips where not much fun happens, lives are threatened, and divorces are contemplated. The dreaded travel within the travel day. First things first. Ever try to put 10 gallons of water into a […]

A Fake bird in the hand is worth 2 pearls in the shell…..?

I slept until 6:30 am!!! THIS is a wonderful morning! Since we got here we have been up at 5am every day. The jet lag is putting us to bed early and up even earlier-but we’re getting this! Totally going to be back to begging for more time in bed by tomorrow 🙂 We met […]