We survived India…..ish…

We get up this morning- and all I can think about is Taking the next flight.  But I try to ignore it while we go for breakfast and meet our driver for the transfer to the airport. The weather is beautiful today, sunny and the usual hotter then the hinges of hell at 7 am. […]

Near Death Experiences and Experiences Near Death

Early start doesn’t even describe this one….we are told that Pulkit will be waiting for us at 4:45 sharp in the lobby of our hotel. That means a 3:45 wake up call-ugh. But we make it happen-and we’re bright eyed and ready -walking down to find him already there waiting for us. We board the […]

And that’s how Nicole almost killed us in Khaduharo. And Varanasi.

Today we leave early for a tour of the Karma Sutra temples…we fly out today for Varanasi- from the large new air port here in Kharjado. Funny thing is that Jet Airways went under bankruptcy protection last week- so this airport, that used to have a whopping 10-15 flights per week, now has 3. That’s […]

snakes, trains and automobiles

So today is scary. We are leaving the comfort of Cowboy Sam and are on our own- with handlers- to get to our next stop. We will be on a train for 2.5 hours and then do a short tour, then on to a private car for 4 hours. When I say this is out […]

paper airplanes and boob compartments

We wake in our hotel this morning for breakfast and a drive to Agra. At breakfast we are fed WAY too much food by the beautiful Nepali chef, them stocking up our plates every time we put our fork down. Agra is a city on the bank of the Yamuna river-and we are now about […]

Let’s get this Tuk tuk rollin….

We leave Jaipur this morning and we are heading for Bharatpur. Breakfast is the usual where Nicole kills and half eats 3-17 hard boiled eggs and Gary and I do lines of Immodium. Chris is fine. Keeps saying “I’m SOLID” and grinning like he just made the best dad joke ever. It is a 5 […]

Introducing Muppet #5!!!

Today started like all the others- breakfast and an early start. One thing I should mention is the water here- I’m talking about the shower water. Before we left I bought expensive shampoos and detanglers-  creams and potions-all to combat the obvious problem of terrible bathing water. I pictured my hair looking like a long […]

Elephants and camels and Cows, oh my…

We’re up early again this morning- well, some of us are up super early- Nicole isn’t acclimatizing well to the time change..when I get up at 5:30 I see Nicole has been liking my social media posts at 3am….that’s not a good sign. I’ve been forcing myself to stay up until midnight and get up […]

And that’s how Gary died…

This is it!! The first day. Excited, we get dressed slowly-enjoying every last second of naked coolness we can. As usual, for this trip we all are given designated areas of research and expertise. It’s like the A-team. Only in our case the “M” team (Muppet) and the only heist we really get involved with […]

The Muppet Petting Zoo

Day one, we make a real effort to get up on time and acclimate to this time zone. Which means that even though we went to bed at 4am…we are up and on the move at 8:30, ready for breakfast at 9. Exhausted, but happy. And STARVING. Thankfully, we came a day early-so today is […]